
How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App In 2023

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App In 2023

If you’re here, you have two questions: “How much does it cost to make an app?” and “How to save on it without sacrificing quality?”. The app that will eventually encompass the entire globe will range from $40,000 to $500,000 (bringing you two times more money yearly), according to Clutch.

However, if you’re not pursuing the idea of Tinder-like app development, the cost begins at $10,000 — based on our development expertise at Webmil Web Production.

Without further ado, let’s guide you through every vital point of the issue:

  • How much does it cost to make an app?
  • What affects the total for the app?
  • How long does it take to develop an application?
  • How to reduce the application development cost?

Estimated pricing for different app types

To state the average cost of app development right off the bet is impossible. Numerous factors affect the result, including the type of your application and the aimed “niche” of it.

To give you an idea, here’s a breakdown of the average total costs regarding different goals of the app:


Famous example

Estimated total range

Payment app

PayPal, Payoneer

$10,000 - $40,000

Food delivery 

Uber Eats, Zomato

$18,000 - $25,000

Social media

Twitter, Instagram

$35,000 - $50,000

Booking & Traveling, Kayak

$60,000 - $150,000

Video streaming 

YouTube, Twitch

$60,000 - $220,000


Tinder, Bumble

$80,000 - $120,000


edX, Duolingo

$80,000 - $500,000

This is only an estimation, based on the research. You can contact our team and get the precise price breakdown, development time, and answers to every related question regarding an application you want to develop.

How long does it take to develop an app?

The time required to implement all features of the app is the second crucial criterion of the total cost since a supplier would usually charge you per hour of development.

For instance, the cost of app development in North America, according to Statista, begins from $85 to $150 per hour.

Take a look at the following time models for the most usual app types:

  • Simple functionality app. Takes from 3 to 6 months (appr. 800 development hours)
  • Complex app. Takes up to 10 months. (appr. 1,200 development hours)
  • App-suite / multifunctional app. Takes from 10 months. (1,200 development hours and beyond).

The cost of an app with simple functionality will range from $68,000 to $120,000, while an app suite may take from $102,000 to $180,000 — if your vendor is a North American company. Collaborating with developers from other regions may help you pay less without sacrificing quality.

The average cost of app development worldwide

According to the statistics, North America has the most expensive app development price. Ranging from 125 to 168 dollars per hour. But let’s see what the situation is like on other continents.

The second most expensive is Australia, with a $90-110 hourly rate.

The average cost of app development in the UK can start from $50 and be up to $70 per hour.

Singapore is closing the list of places with the highest web app development costs with the $42-63 rate.

Then we have South America, the most favorite continent for outsourcing from the US and Canada, with an hour of app development cost being $29-43.

The price for app development in Eastern Europe is rather small compared to the high-quality products you can get there. $35-45, with the best price-to-quality ratio.

Building an app in India can cost you from $21 to $30 per hour.

Indonesian developers can charge you $11-14 hourly.

Of course, there are lots of exceptions because app development cost depends on various factors.

What affects the app development cost?

The question “How much does it cost to create an app?” can be hard to answer, but a team of seasoned developers will give you an estimate based on the following factors:

  • The nature of the project
  • Functionalities and features
  • Design(template or custom)
  • Target platforms (iOS, Android)
  • Type of collaboration(outsource, outstaff, inhouse)
  • Backend infrastructure
  • Integration of third-party services
  • The geographical location and structure of the development team
  • App maintenance and additional services

Having all the required information will help the development company better understand your needs and make a more precise cost estimate.

How to cut down the total for your app development?

In some cases, after finalizing your project requirements, you may find that the cost of creating a mobile app exceeds your budget. And there are several strategic steps you can take to help it.

It's important to note that opting for a lower-priced IT provider doesn't necessarily guarantee to save you money. In most cases, it leads to lots of issues, and sometimes, requires remaking an app from scratch.

If you intend to continue working with your current team due to their unmatched capabilities and quality, consider exploring the following options:

  1. Begin with a minimum viable product (MVP): An MVP involves developing a simplified version of the app with essential features for early users. This allows you to swiftly validate your app concept and launch it without a significant upfront investment. Feedback from users can shape the subsequent modifications before transitioning to more resource-intensive enhancements.
  2. Embrace cross-platform app development: Adopting a cross-platform approach can reduce mobile app development costs by around 30%-40% through time efficiencies. By focusing on a single app version compatible across multiple platforms, you achieve cost savings without compromising functionality.
  3. Consider outsourcing development: Assembling an in-house development team with the necessary expertise can be both expensive and time-consuming. Outsourcing offers the flexibility to hire dedicated developers from around the world, tailoring their skills to your budget.
  4. Get development and design services from one company: Coordination issues between separate design and development teams often lead to delays, resulting in additional expenses. Opting for a unified, dedicated team responsible for both app design and development streamlines the process, enabling faster releases and minimizing setbacks.
  5. Don’t skip testing: Addressing software bugs after implementation incurs a cost six times higher than preventing them in the first place. Engaging QA specialists during the developing phase ensures a smoother development process.

Following these quick tips will help you reduce web app development costs without losing in quality.

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Your vision deserves more than a one-size-fits-all budget. It deserves a tailor-made investment that paves the way for global success.

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We understand that each app is unique, and so is its journey. That's why we're here to craft a budget that aligns with your app's potential, ensuring every dollar invested yields maximum impact. Let’s start today! Contact us.

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