Why choose Webflow as your site's core

As a startup or business owner, a website is the virtual storefront of your brand. It's a digital space where you interact with your customers, convey your brand's story, and conduct business operations.

With the increasing sophistication of website design tools, it's becoming ever more critical to choose the right platform that balances flexibility, efficiency, and usability.

In this context, one of the most promising platforms that have been turning heads in the digital landscape is Webflow. If you are looking for an answer is Webflow good for a business — the short answer is yes.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a cloud-based, SaaS application that allows designers and developers to build responsive websites without the need for extensive coding.

It aims to empower creative professionals by providing a highly visual interface while maintaining granular control over the site's design elements which is very appreciated by professional Webflow developers.

Why Choose Webflow?

Let's delve into the reasons why you should consider using Webflow as your website's core.

Ease of Use. Webflow provides a user-friendly, intuitive, and visually pleasing design interface. This allows even users with little to no programming background to design and publish websites with ease.

Flexibility. Unlike many website builders that lock you into predefined templates, Webflow offers flexibility. You can start from scratch or customize existing Webflow templates to create a unique site that reflects your brand's identity.

Advanced Design Capabilities. Webflow combines the ease of design software with the functionality of a website builder. You can manipulate your site's CSS, JavaScript, and HTML elements directly from the platform.

Responsive Design. Webflow's responsive design capabilities allow you to design your website once and have it automatically adapt to different devices and screen sizes.

CMS and eCommerce Capabilities. Webflow comes with an integrated Content Management System (CMS) and eCommerce capabilities, providing startups and business owners with a one-stop solution for managing online content and sales.

Fascinating Webflow Statistics

Webflow’s significant growth and popularity in the digital landscape are also evidenced by some intriguing statistics:

  • Rapid User Base Expansion. As of the end of 2022, Webflow supports more than 3 million designers and developers worldwide, marking a remarkable growth rate of over 50% in just two years.
  • Increase in Published Websites. The number of websites published on Webflow increased by a staggering 75% year-over-year, reaching 2 million sites in 2022.
  • Top Industries Using Webflow. The leading industries using Webflow are Information Technology and Services (16.8%), Marketing and Advertising (15.6%), and Design (13.1%).
  • Market Share. As of 2022, Webflow's market share in the website builder space was around 1.25%, an impressive figure given the competition in the sector.

It's a common assumption that sizable enterprises would gravitate towards having their engineers script their websites. However, many of these companies are discovering the robust capabilities of Webflow. This platform sufficiently meets their technical needs while also enabling a sharper focus on design elements.

Some well-known websites that leverage the strength of Webflow include platforms such as Discord.com, Upwork.com, Crowd1.com, and MichaelKors.com.

Bottom line

In an era where digital presence is pivotal, choosing the right platform to build your website can determine your brand's online success.

As a startup or business owner looking to cultivate a distinct digital footprint, it could be a strategic move to consider Webflow as the foundation for your website.

Along with this, partnering with skilled designers and developers from Webmil can enhance the user experience of your website, ensuring it not only stands out but also operates seamlessly.